Jan 25, 2021
Life is a struggle at times. Life can have its moments of friction. God’s Word governs our life and keeps us within those boundaries that our flesh isn’t comfortable with. But that friction is where our faith gets cultivated and fertilized which brings forth growth and maturity. Stay In The Fight, it’s worth it!
Jan 18, 2021
It’s time to “Soar” into a brighter future, defying the gravity of life with new options and opportunities that the ground beneath your feet presently offers! Your life is defined by limitless possibilities and you are “Cleared For Takeoff.” May part 3 of this series minister to you.
Jan 11, 2021
It’s time to “Soar” into a brighter future, defying the gravity of life with new options and opportunities that the ground beneath your feet presently offers! Your life is defined by limitless possibilities and you are “Cleared For Takeoff.” May part 2 of this series minister to you.
Jan 7, 2021
When you have faced the challenges of life, how many have ever had more questions than answers?
I believe this is two of the biggest questions we have is, “What in the world is going on and what am I going to do?”
Here’s what we must realize when we have these questions:
When life doesn’t make sense to us, it...
Jan 4, 2021
It’s time to “Soar” into a brighter future, defying the gravity of life with new options and opportunities that the ground beneath your feet presently offers! Your life is defined by limitless possibilities and you are “Cleared For Takeoff.”