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Safe Harbor Outreach Podcast

Sep 28, 2020

We must have a heart of love like God. Learn how to open your heart and allow God's love to pour into our lives so that we may show that love to others.

Sep 21, 2020

Do you not realize that your situation is only temporary? Don’t make it permanent by holding on to unforgiveness. “Let It Go!”

Sep 16, 2020

In part two of our series on" Forgiveness"; we learn that offense is the breeding ground for deception. You will encounter offense, but it is up to you on how it will affect your relationship with God. Your response to it will ultimately determine your future.

Sep 9, 2020

Did you know that God will promote you to the level of your tolerance of offense and pain? You can’t do anything for God and not have problems! In this series; learn the necessary steps to having the blessings of God to flow in your life like never before.

Sep 9, 2020

God loves us Big and wants us to Love Big. Big Love puts others' needs ahead of our own, it doesn’t require getting love back. Love Big means that we go beyond what is expected or reasonable in our love for God and care for those around us. This is Part 3 of the series Love God; Love People, Love Big.